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3 Powerful Ways to Optimize Your Visibility

I've invited my friend and colleague, Kc Rossi, to share a special guest article with you today. Kc and I first met through an online membership, and she's a wealth of expertise on all things confidence and visibility. Her advice is always full of practical tips and a great reminder to go back to the basics and minimize the "shiny object syndrome."

Official bio 😎: Kc is a Business & Leadership Coach who helps mission-driven CEOs and entrepreneurs optimize their performance, productivity, and profits. She is the Founder of The Soulprint Method®, a holistic approach that harnesses mindset and emotional intelligence to build a profitable and soul-aligned business without burnout. Her podcast is Women Developing Brilliance® — The Spirit of Business, and today she's sharing with us her top 3 ways to optimize your visibility. Let's jump in!

According to First Site Guide, “As of Sep 12, 2022, there are currently over 1.98 billion websites online.” [No wonder it's so hard to find an available URL!]

You may be wondering how to stand out in this crowded marketplace. There are three “c’s” when it comes to optimizing your visibility. They are:

  1. Client-Centric

  2. Core Message

  3. Content Rhythm

1 | Client-Centric

First off, you must be über clear on your divine right client. Who is she? What does she desire? Why is she doing what she’s doing? What obstacles are getting in the way of her dreams? 

Being client-centric goes far beyond defining your ideal client avatar. It includes deeply listening to what the client says and having the emotional awareness of picking up on things that she is not saying. This approach will supercharge how you serve.

Prioritizing people will enhance every relationship in your sphere. This is important because people do business with people. They also return where they feel heard and valued.

You have the power to craft services in a way that addresses what the client is going through and provides solutions or guidance to help her feel better and create impactful change.

To begin, be mindful of your buyer’s journey. This will ensure you are making the most out of every interaction right from the start.

2 | Core Message

To connect how your product or service helps your customer go from her rainy origin to the desired sunny destination, communicating clearly is key. Ask yourself, is my message shared in a way that has my ideal client raising her hand for the transformation promised? If not, it may be time for a little wordsmithing. 

A pro tip is to survey the audience. Asking fundamental questions that reveal your prospective client's hopes, dreams, and stumbling blocks will provide valuable insights. Once you’ve collected the market research data, it’s time to weave in the exact “voice of the customer” in your copywriting— which you can use everywhere from your website to social media posts.

For example, if the survey results show that the audience is struggling with showing up live on social media due to anxiety, and you are a confidence coach, you can laser in on how you help clients design a fool-proof strategy to amplify their confidence, reduce chaos, and increase conversions.

Don’t be afraid of being repetitive. By having your central message dialed in and shared consistently across platforms, your audience will have an understanding of who you are and how you help. Plus, you’ll be positioned to be referred to because you’ve made it easy to recall. 

Invitation to action — Take the time to ink out your top three to five core messages. What do you want people to know about you and your business? Keep them posted in a spot that will help you remember and weave them in as often as possible.

3 | Content Rhythm

Now that you have an intimate handle on the client’s desires and your core messages lined up, it’s time to commit to a visibility plan, otherwise known as content rhythm.

Content rhythm is a planned strategy for showing up and providing continuous value to your audience. It can be in the form of a weekly podcast, a daily social media post, a bi-monthly long-form blog article, or scheduled live streams.

Consistency is essential. Connecting with your audience on a regular and predictable basis will build the know, like, and trust factors necessary to grow and scale.

You will also start rising above the digital noise because your fans will be eager to tune in (especially when you are adhering to the above two points).

One way to go pro here is to calendar the content. Choose which days/times you will deliver content and stick with it. Think of it as a steadfast path to support your audience. 

Crafting themes (either weekly or monthly) will help stay focused and avoid content creation burnout.

Lastly, batching content creation is another smart way to increase efficiency. Block out a section of time or one day a week to create content. Use an online app to pre-schedule posts so you can set them and forget them. 

👉 Here’s a free daily support printable to help you plan your day so you can thrive.

You don’t have to reach the masses to have a successful and fulfilling business. Optimizing your visibility can be accomplished by being mindful of the client's needs first and foremost, confidently conveying your core message, and consistently providing value. You’ve got this!

Thank you, Kc, for sharing your wisdom with us! You can find and follow her on her podcast, LinkedIn, Instagram, and YouTube.