Brand Design for Diana Murphy Coaching

Let me introduce you to the brilliant woman behind today's brand reveal!

Diana and I first met when she was coaching another client of mine in 2021, and she knew even then that we'd be working together one day soon. We also have multiple shared friendships and colleagues which always leads to the best collaborations because we instantly have a shared know-like-trust factor.

Diana Murphy is a coach for successful CEOs and business owners who can’t see any way out of the overwhelm and constant stress of working harder and longer. As one of the early Directors of The Gallup Organization, best known for creating the StrengthsFinders test (I'm a huge fan!), she knows a thing or two about building businesses from your strengths without burning out.

She's an absolute powerhouse and a delight to work with and have in my corner. You're going to love this behind the scenes!

1 | Brand Strategy

As a coach, Diana's goal for her clients is to help them regret-proof their business. (This is also the title of her podcast.) They've achieved success through so much hard work, but they don't see a sustainable way forward and resent sacrificing their personal wellbeing along the way. Instead of burning down their business, she helps them discover that the best path to growth is not through working longer or harder but by being the visionary leader of their company.

Digging into her brand strategy revealed our keywords of fierce, wholehearted, and flourishing. The color psychology of navy is authority and strength, jade is balance and renewal, and orange is warm and courageous. Using such a strong color palette supports not only Diana's confident coaching style but also the strength and tenacity of her clients.

2 | Logo Design

The three-part triangle in Diana's logo is symbolic of the individual, relational, and professional health that her clients regain or sometimes find for the first time ever.

With the right font choices and the slightest adjustment in spacing, the triangle icon lines up perfectly with the "A" in "Coaching" in the horizontal logo which creates both balance and tension. There's a lot to be said for balance and symmetry, but a bit of tension is what keeps the design interesting. Flipping the triangle in her compact logo allows us to replace the "A" in Diana and create a new spin while staying true to her brand.

3 | Brand Board

The custom pattern and font choices mirror the shapes and weight of her logo and provide additional brand assets for her marketing materials.


Of course we carried her new brand into cover and episode art for her podcast as well as new website banner images. New social banners and templates are all in Canva for her team to easily update and publish.


With a detailed Brand Style Guide, organized assets, fresh copywriting, and new brand photos, Diana was able to hire support to update the structure and design of her website, making it more user friendly and easier to navigate. Now she's excited to send inquiries to her new site!

You can see more images on the blog here.

“I couldn't wait to give Michelle the reins to my rebrand! I felt so safely held and learned so much through her process. She even attended one of my workshops to better understand me and my business which was really cool.

I would recommend her to any business owner who wants to step into their power and express it through their brand. I watch all of Michelle's reveals and it's outstanding to see the unique personality of each business and its owner. I highly recommend hiring Michelle—every penny is worth it!

I LOVE that I invested in myself and my business this way. I couldn't be more proud and pleased with the result!"

– Diana Murphy, The Coach for CEOs

Brand Reveal for Diana Murphy, business coach for CEOs. Fierce, strong design by Let Her Fly, Michelle Clayton in Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Brand Design for Diana Murphy, business coach for CEOs. Fierce, strong design by Let Her Fly, Michelle Clayton in Calgary, Alberta, Canada – by Let Her Fly, Michelle Clayton #moodboard #brandinginspirationboard #colorpsychology #brandstrategy
A fierce, strong brand design for business coach Diana Murphy

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