You Don’t Have To Be Energetic


Lately, everywhere I look, some stranger is telling me I need to “be energetic.” 🙄

I've seen it in job descriptions for creative roles, from entry- to senior-level. "We're looking for an energetic, creative person for our team."

I've seen it in a variety of business books with the reminder to "be full of energy" in your marketing and sales so you can attract more clients to your business.

Quite frankly, I'm sick of it. 🤮


In what world does being energetic/outgoing/gregarious/extroverted have anything to do with being creative or running a successful business?

Not in my world and perhaps not in yours either.

Most of my colleagues and clients are thoughtful, kind, intelligent, passionate, intuitive, full of integrity, heart-centered, grounded, visionary, powerful, and at least a dozen other adjectives.

Very few (myself included) would calls themselves "energetic." And that's 100% a-ok.

Some of them truly are energetic, and I love watching them be who they genuinely are. If that's you too, awesome! Keep being yourself!

If you're not bubbling over with energy (right now or ever), then consider this your permission slip to ignore the "voices out there" and be who you are too.

We need calm thoughtfulness and we need raucous laughter. Which means we need YOU to show up as your true self so we all benefit from the full spectrum of humanity. There's room for all of us at the table.

Which reminds me of one of my favorite quotes from Susan Cain's book "Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World that Can’t Stop Talking" (which is also one of my favorite books.)


Do what you do with love. ❤️ As cheesy as it may sound, that is the source of your creativity and success. You don't have to hype yourself up (or quiet yourself down) to be someone you're not.