My Top 20 Favorite Business Books (Part 1)

Can you feel it?? Those lazy, hazy days of summer are just around the corner! If you're starting to plan some time off (you ARE doing that, right?) and looking for your next good read, you’re in luck.

I’ve pulled together my Top 20 list of favorite books from the past five years in business—the ones I recommend to friends and colleagues over and over. I've read many by a campfire or in a hammock, so although they’re non-fiction and businessy, they make great summer reads.

Full disclaimer: these are not books I have mastered; they’re tools I come back to again and again. Some are specifically business-focused, some support our creativity, and others are about understanding ourselves better which I believe makes us better people and better business owners.

I’ve included the first 10 books below and you can find Part 2 here. For ease and simplicity, all book links take you to Amazon Canada, though they can also be found on the US site or your preferred bookstore. Additionally, I’m a huge fan of borrowing from your local library and taking notes for future reference. It keeps the clutter out of my house and supports my community.

My top 20 favorite business books for small business education, creativity support, productivity, and self-awareness by Michelle Clayton of Let Her Fly

1 | Atomic Habits

An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones by James Clear (2020) 

“You don't rise to the level of your goals. You fall to the level of your systems.”


2 | Building a StoryBrand

Clarify Your Message So Customers Will Listen by Donald Miller (2017) 

This was one of the first business books I ever read and has become my touchstone for remembering that “clear is kind” when it comes to communication.

This book is the foundation of Business Made Simple University and my Marketing Mastermind group.


3 | Company of One

Why Staying Small Is the Next Big Thing for Business by Paul Jarvis (2019) 

“Real freedom is gained when you define upper bounds to your goals and figure out what your own personal sense of enough is. Enough is the true north of building a company of one.”

This is a must-read if you're disillusioned by the idea that you must continually grow or scale your business to be happy and successful. 


4 | Deep Work

Rules for Focused Success in a Distracted World by Cal Newport (2016) 

“A commitment to deep work is a pragmatic recognition that the ability to concentrate is a skill that gets valuable things done.”


5 | Essentialism

The Disciplined Pursuit of Less by Greg McKeown (2014) 

“He bought himself space, and in that space he found creative freedom.”


6 | Every Good Endeavor

Connecting Your Work to God’s Work by Timothy Keller (2012) 

As the title suggests, this is a faith-based perspective on why our work matters in the world.


7 | Grit

The Power of Passion and Perseverance by Angela Duckworth (2016) 

“Passion for your work is a little bit of discovery, followed by a lot of development, and then a lifetime of deepening.”


8 | Inside Out Empathy

Explore the Underestimated Superpower Essential for Building, Developing, and Inspiring a Rock-solid Team by Erin Thorp (2017) 

“Inspiring leaders have the ability to see everyone’s differences as strengths, and utilize them with ease.”


9 | Insight

The Surprising Truth About How Others See Us, How We See Ourselves, and Why the Answers Matter More Than We Think by Tasha Eurich (2018) 

“Leaders who have teenage children are less prone to overconfidence.”


10 | In The Company Of Women

Inspiration and Advice from over 100 Makers, Artists, and Entrepreneurs by Grace Bonney (2016) 

Between the incredible, personal stories and gorgeous photography by Sasha Israel, this book is a guaranteed dose of creativity when your well is running dry.

I’d love to know if some of these are on your favorites list too. And I’m always adding to my “to read” Evernote file, so feel free to forward your best recommendations as I gear up for “hammock time!”