Let Her Fly | Brand Strategy | Graphic Design | Logo Design

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When You Don’t Need Full Branding

Some of you may be wondering if you really need a whole new brand (or rebrand).

  • Do I always have to start from scratch?

  • What if I kinda like what I already have and it's still working for me?

  • What if I'm not sure what new direction I want to go?

These are all valid questions and today I'll show you a specific case where a new brand was completely uncalled for and what we did instead.

The Challenge and Our Unique Approach

You may remember Gillian of Super You from last Autumn when she launched her first book, "The Elephant in the Gym". Well, since she never seems to slow down, this Spring she had another big launch—one that women have been asking her for for a long time and that I was, once again, delighted to help with.

In April, Gillian launched a fitness studio, but not your average bricks and mortar studio. Instead, she opened her virtual door to an online studio called (what else?) Super You Studio. And it's been amazing! It's everything you'd want, and more than you'd get, in a typical gym membership—the classes, support, community, resources, coaching—all from the convenience of your own home or download the workouts and take them on the road.

No jostling for space in a crowded fitness class to stake out your 8 square feet of personal hell.

No wiping down someone else's sweaty equipment.

No wishing you could go to that drop-in class but the schedule doesn't work for you or you finally made the effort but were 5 minutes late and were locked out or the class was full, again.

Or, here in Canada, no debating whether driving through the snowstorm to the gym and risking your life is worth the potential health benefits.

And don't even start with the judge-y, sideways glances you get (whether real or perceived) for not fitting the mold. (I see you nodding because we've both been there before, right?)

What Gillian has created is a truly remarkable space. Not only do you get resources and her expert guidance, but you become part of the StudioCrew—a vibrant, private Facebook community where women are supportive, encouraging, and REAL. Some meet up in real life for walks, runs, hikes, paddles. Others check in virtually to hold each other accountable on everything from daily movement to drinking enough water. And still others operate more quietly in the background, knowing that the support and advice is always there when it's needed. No judge-y, sideways glances. In fact, her motto is "Belonging without the BS (Body Shaming)" and it's absolutely true!

So with her amazing vision for what was possible and needed in her industry, she asked me to come alongside her again and give her a little brand guidance and some tools that have now made her vision a reality.

What about her brand?

This was the perfect scenario for a sub-brand.

Gillian didn't need a new, complicated logo with a clever color palette and extra bells and whistles. She needed simple—a simple, clean logo using her existing colors that ties into her well-established, already-successful brand. She wasn't building a new business per se; she was building on the strong foundation she has spent years laying.

So what did we do?

  1. We incorporated her existing "Super You" logo right into the Studio logo to build brand recognition and keep things unfussy.

  2. We used her existing color palette and allocated specific colors to certain modules on the membership site—pink for Clarity, purple for Learn, and green for Move. It looks sharp and it makes it easier for members to find the exact content they're looking for at a glance.

  3. We used color sparingly to go easy on those printer cartridges. For members to get the most out of the PDF resources, many need to be printed for tracking and follow-along purposes. We didn't want anything to hold them back, including using up expensive printer ink. Plus the colors are so strong that a little goes a long way!

  4. Then we took this Studio sub-brand and incorporated it into every piece—from the membership site to marketing materials to the PDF resources. Some resources are revamped from her book launch, but most are brand new content, all with a consistent look and feel.

  5. The resources are formatted as a template so that, as Gillian adds new content each quarter, creating new files is a much easier process than reinventing the wheel each time.

With the plan in place, she was able to create her graphics for social media and the membership site while I built her PDF resources.

Here's a peek at the final result!

If you're curious about what it's like on the inside (or just want to see her brand up close and personal), Gillian has just opened up a FREE Sneak Peek into the Super You Studio! For 2 weeks, you'll have free access to a selection of videos and resources so you can try it out and see exactly how it works. This doesn't give you access to the StudioCrew FB group, but once you try it and love it, you can join and find us on the inside. So if you've been looking for a different approach to your health, are sick of "falling off the wagon," and are my kinda try-before-you-buy-it gal, here's your chance. I'd love to see you there!

How did Gillian feel about all this?

"You read my mind! These look AMAZING! I wanted the new Studio to align with my main brand but still look distinct, and you absolutely nailed it. It's the added polish I knew I needed. Thanks for all your hard work, your honesty, and your transparency. You're a total wizard and I absolutely love collaborating with you!"

– Gillian Goerzen, Super You Studio

So how about you? 

Are you in a situation similar to Gillian's where you're not sure if you really need a full brand makeover? You're not alone. Each client is unique and there's no one-size-fits-all answer. Book a free consult where we'll discuss your specific business and what the possibilities are. I'd love to chat with you!